
zw turns three
three is a nice number and as a pretty common saying tells us, it is good! well, we will see but we surely hope so.
a year ago we had heavy financial struggles, we called for help, and you all came by, watched theatre pieces, attended performances, danced to bands and lost yourselves in a long ravey. we enjoyed moments at zw together or alone, that fills our hearts with joy and make us keep our drive.

a year later, here we are: still on very fragile financial legs, facing smear campaigns from the right, still empty in between, still working for little money to try to make everything as accessible as possible, although prices still might seem high, we are altogether just still struggling sometimes. arts, music and culture in general is hard to keep afloat.
but again, here we are: zw keeps on running! people from near and far engaging in projects in and around these spaces, helping each other out all in all. organizing ourselves with little means and fuller hearts trying to approach politics, culture, arts and music with compassion and contentment and saying what we want to say.

zurich can be a cold, prude and ignorant city. and it will be even colder in november, but we have plenty of reasons to celebrate 3 years of zw and what we do with it for another 3 years and more and more and more!

this year, our festival will reflect what we have done this year. it will be poetic, delicious, fun and loud. The program will be announced gradually in the next weeks. normal tickets will be release on october 20th

**Room design Installation during ZW festival **
We are launching an Open Call for contributions to our annual festival at Zentralwäscherei. We celebrate 3 years of existence, ups and downs, beauty and anguish, a lot of memorable moments that form this space into whatever you feel it is. ZW is what we all make of it and that is why we are very much looking forward to your contributions for our festival.
For this open call we are looking for applications ranging from installations, room design ideas and/or pieces, decoration ideas and/or pieces. The concept you would apply would remain within our rooms for the period of the whole festival which is from 18.11 till 23.11.2024.
Apply by 01.10.2024. LInk here


We are launching our big annual Open Call for events at Zentralwäscherei and are looking forward to be sharing our space with you next year. ZW is in a diversity-oriented development and particularly encourages submissions from people who are socially marginalised. Our curatorial guidelines as well as our general principles are linked online.

Apply by 10.12.2023 by filling in the application form.
You can enter projects that take place between 01.01.2024 and 31.12.2024.
The evaluation of the entries will be carried out according to our curatorial guidelines and will be announced latest by 10.01.2024.

Opencall Zummerbar 2023

Apply until 04.06.2023

Hello Hello Du, welcome to the Opencall Zummerbar 2023~!

ZW is partly closed in July/August. But we have a bunch of programs in our Kleinwaescherei/Vorplatz/Rampe, with varies workshops, concerts, screenings and a pool party in the end.

For the 3rd week of zummerbar (19.07-23.07), we make this opencall for whoever stays in Zurich and feels moti to do something. Be it a small concert, a reading, a special workshop, or whatever you have in mind.

The "gig" will not be paid, but food and drinks on the house.)

Please read through our Awareness Concept, if you consider participating.

Have fun and hope to see you in July

Open Call for 4 Slots in 2024

Open Call for 4 Slots in 2024

We are launching an open call for 4 projects in 2024 for a maximum time of two weeks in our space(s). This open call specifically targets projects with a longer planning horizon. The main open call follows at the end of 2023, so no hurry there will be another opportunity to hand in your project!

ZW aims to be a diverse space and is in a diversity-oriented development thus we explicitly encourage submissions from people experiencing social marginalization, discrimination and have difficulties finding spaces for their projects in Zurich and beyond. Our curatorial guidelines and principles are available through our webpage zentralwaescherei.space/about.

What you can apply with?

We welcome a wide range of submissions, such as exhibitions, social formats, discursive formats, political events, theaters, installations or performances. Excluded are events that violate our curatorial guidelines and principles, especially no private events and parties or raves.

What is the procedure?

Apply by 15.06.2023 by filling in the application form linked in our linktree. Please note that the venue is closed from July to end of August and selected dates might already be booked. The evaluation of the entries will be carried out according to our curatorial guidelines and we will try to answer all submissions by 15.07.2023. We are looking forward to your projects!


We are hiring!

Wir suchen Verstärkung im Betriebsteam Gastro. Als Teil des gesamten Betriebsteams und des Gastroteams umfasst dein Pensum 40% administrative Arbeiten und weitere 20-40% im Service.
Alle weiteren Infos findest du hier
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung!

Open Call for co-productions

We are launching our second Open Call for co-productions and are looking forward to be sharing our space with you next year. ZW is in a diversity-oriented development and particularly encourages submissions from people who are socially marginalised. Our curatorial guidelines as well as our general principles are linked here.

What can you apply with?
We welcome a wide range of submissions, such as: Exhibitions, social formats, discursive formats, political events, theatre, installations, safe spaces, screenings or sound performances.
Excluded are events that violate our principles, institutional events, private events or parties.

What is the procedure?
Apply by 22.01.2023 by filling in the application form (linked here).
You can enter projects that take place between 01.03.2023 and 31.12.2023 - please note that there are certain blocking periods where we are either already fully booked or our company is on holiday.
The evaluation of the entries will be carried out according to our curatorial guidelines and will be announced latest by 01.02.2023.


We are looking for collaborators.
In the week of November 16-19, ZW celebrates its first anniversary with a festival. In addition to regular, set program points, we create space for trying out and experimenting.

Be it a workshop, an info booth, a performance, a mini-concert, or something for which there is no term at all yet. Surprise us with your input, overwhelm us with your concepts.

There are three possible settings:

  • the stage; a small, classical stage situation with the possibility of audio playback and lighting.

  • the in-between space; fluid happening taking place at some point during the festival without the possibility of audio playback and lighting, but practically the whole ZW can be used!

  • Clubstage; During the club night on Saturday there will be a small stage in the club for performances. No possibility for audio playback, the stage can be illuminated.

Contact us with a small sketch of your idea and your preferred time at info@zentralwaescherei.space until 23.09.2022. We will invite you to discuss further details about the implementation and the general conditions with us. In advance, we can support certain financially. :-)

Open Positions at Zentralwäscherei

We are advertising positions. All positions are to be filled as of February 1, 2023. We gladly accept your application until September 15, 2022 at bewerben@zentralwaescherei.space. We are looking forward to it!

Operating Team HR and Funding (1-2 positions, 50-60%)
Link to PDF

Operating Team Gastro (3 positions, approx. 100%)
Link to PDF

Operating Team Finance (2 positions, approx. 70%)
Link to PDF

Operating Team Maintenance (1 position, 20%)
Link to PDF

Operating Team Technics (1-2 positions, total 60%)
Link to PDF

Operating Team Administration, Production and Graphics (3 positions, total approx. 100%)
Link to PDF

ZW Zummerbreak

From July 17, we close the doors of the ZW and open instead for two weeks our terrace with the Zummerbar:

Drinks & Pizzas, every Wednesday - Saturday, from 17:00.

Opening is on Sunday 17 July with concerts by Kautschuk & Haimos.

This will be followed by more program, more details soon in our calendar.

From the 1st of August the whole ZW goes into the well-deserved first break and welcomes you from the 16th of August again with open hearts and arms.

Euer ZW-Team

We have a new website

Have fun!