Tuesday, 04.06.2024
°transreal spaces°
Start: 18:00End: 19:30
Suggested Price: 20.–

°Transreality describes the blending of physical and virtual space°

°transreal spaces° searches for forms of encounter, intimacy and touch beyond the analog world. What influence does VR technology have on our bodies, social relationships and experience of reality? And what do we actually define as °real°?
The dance performance invites you to an encounter with two performers wearing VR glasses: both are simultaneously in an analog space - on stage - and in a virtual space. With body movements, text elements and live projections from the VR glasses, they explore the fluidity and transience of diverse worlds together. Emotional states such as curiosity, euphoria, ecstasy, overexcitement, confusion, closeness and distance are explored and the limits of imagination are touched again and again. Poetically, playfully and meaningfully, the construction of realities and normative images of digital technologies and their possibilities are broken up.

°Presentation in English°

°Artistic direction° Lyn Bentschik + Linda Vollenweider
°Choreography° Lyn Bentschik
°Scenography° Linda Vollenweider
°Music° Yannick Consaël
°Performance° Jenna Hendry + Angela Stöcklin
°Dramaturgy° Katrin Brehm
°Association° LB Productions
°Ticket here: https://eventfrog.ch/transreal_spaces
°Zentralwäscherei, Neue Hard 12, 8005 Zurich