Friday, 24.03.2023
Start: 19:00End: 20:30
Suggested Price: 15.–

ScreensScreamsSex is a performance that concentrates on the topic of pleasure in the broadest sense. Following the need for a safer space that allows creation of something “new” to what is streamed to us everyday through our devices, we create a “post-porn” situation that is not concentrated on genitals or specific body parts, neither on techniques or sexual positions. SSS explores choreographies that touch on something we ourselves call “brave fragility” and find moments of collective as well as individual encounters on stage. By turning towards a more abstract way of sex in form of pleasure and sensual experiences we refuse to follow societal learned scripts of sexuality. Through the creation and implementation of screens and live filming, in addition to costumes, the performance experiments with body images and metamorphoses, and by this means dissolving preset binarities. SSS is an ongoing performance in progress, that will change from site to site, celebrating the process itself rather than a preset goal.