Saturday, 10.08.2024
Nando dj fart in the club Reptant Akaj DJ Chick Beppi Domka
Start: 21:00Ende: 06:00
Richtpreis: 20.–


papaparaparade. but there is places to hide. search behind the river, left to the big street, next to one of the big buildings with windows. in the shadows it can be found. the swamps have dried, the lizards are gone, the washing has stopped and thus we gather here. from 2300 till late, basses open up feelings and kickdrums move your intestines, we dont care about farts in the club as long as we vibe together. forever and ever, long live music, zw will stay here if you want us to!

music by nando, reptant, dj chick, dj fart in the club, akaj, domka & beppi.

all rooms open, all bars open, smoking in the halle, dancing in BR and KW.

looking forward to seeing you <3